Children of Light stand for truth Ephesians 5:8b,9.
They can come under peer pressure and/or are then oppressed by their Witches, Wiccans and High Priests and/or High Priestesses to do things and to believe things, what they normally wouldn’t do and support.
So, even if you are a Pagan you need to understand that you can be Demon oppressed and possessed without knowing or realizing that.
Demonic oppression is the attack by demonic forces that can result in illness, depression, financial difficulty, abnormal fear, becoming superstitious - so it is vital to be aware of things that can open up a person to spiritual oppression and control and to know who really is behind Pagan-Cults and the Ceremonies of secret Rituals.
Upshot – the bottom line:
Oppression and Possession can and will happen through involvement in occult activity!
Occult activity includes such things as Ouija board, Tarot, Astrology, Séances, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Necromancy (contacting the dead), Divination, Voodoo, even demonic music like Black and Death Heavy Metal, Talisman and ugly Symbols (cross up side down) until demonic Tattoos.
And also through involvement in Babylonian Religions, Pagan Religions/Cults and Sects, Celtic and Druid Cults, Voodoo and apostate Christendom - these Religions teach ultimately doctrines of Demons (1 Tim. 4:1; Matt. 24:24), like Immortality of Souls, Trinity and the Hellfire Belief – including Pagan and non-Christians ceremonies and rituals, like participating in Halloween, Walpurgis Night, Druidism, St. Claus, Xmas, Earth Day, secret initiation Rituals, Oath-bounds things, Samhain, playing with the Ouija board, Tarot and to be interested in Astrology even - watch and see the pictures here on my Blog - they teach more than 1000 words:
To dabble in these things is an indirectly dabble in demonic activity of resulting in spiritual and physical oppression very often – leading to mental disorder.
Occult meditation techniques - emptying the mind, centering prayer, repeating a single word or phrase for long periods are all practices that can induce an altered state of consciousness and can promote the loss of personal control of your mind and thinking ability inviting Demons or Spirits to enter you - to posses you.
Curses from other people and fear about it - sometimes people involved in occult activity will curse you or your family and you scare that so much, that you consult a spirit Medium and so you will be trapped.
This all (what I mentioned already) can focus demonic activity on you and they attack and control you – that's not half bad, it is a worse case.
Don’t be lured by the Bull-Shit of the Devil and Demons!
They want our Kids – they want you and me – they want our Hearts even:
For these reasons don't trust them and do not take refuge in them, they cannot not help and protect you.
Jehovah God is the only pure and true God of the Universe and stronger than any other God and Goddess
Let us look into the account – what the Bible says about Belshazzar (Daniel 5):
"As regards Belshazzar the king, he made a big feast for a thousand of his grandees, and in front of the thousand he was drinking wine.
Belshazzar,under the influence of the wine, said to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken away from the temple (do never ever challenge Jehovah God it is fatal and you will bring your own annihilation upon you without a chance to escape – see further here what happened to him) that was in Jerusalem, that from them the king and his grandees, his concubines and his secondary wives might drink.
At that time they brought in the vessels of gold that they had taken away from the temple of the house of God that was in Jerusalem, and from them the king and his grandees, his concubines and his secondary wives drank.
They drank wine, and they praised the gods (Babylonian Deities) of gold and of silver, copper, iron, wood and stone.
(Can you see your own rituals in it? They are very similar are they not?)
At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lamp stand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that was writing.
At that time, as regards the king, his very complexion was changed in him, and his own thoughts began to frighten him, and his hip joints were loosening and his very knees were knocking each other.”
At that time Daniel was answering and saying before the king:
"Let your gifts prove to be to you yourself, and your presents do you give too others. However, I shall read the writing itself to the king, and the interpretation I shall make known to him.
As for you, O king, the Most High God himself (Jehovah God) gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom and the greatness and the dignity and the majesty.
And because of the greatness that He gave him, all peoples, national groups and languages proved to be quaking and showing fear before him.
Whom he happened to want to, he was killing; and whom he happened to want to, he was striking; and whom he happened to want to, he was exalting; and whom he happened to want to, he was humiliating.
But when his heart became haughty and his own spirit became hard, so as to act presumptuously, he was brought down from the throne of his kingdom, and his own dignity was taken away from him.
And from the sons of mankind he was driven away, and his very heart was made like that of a beast, and with the wild asses his dwelling was.
Vegetation they would give him to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until he knew that the Most High God is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that the one whom he wants to, he sets up over it."
"And as for you, his son Belshazzar, you have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.
But against the Lord of the heavens (Jehovah God) you exalted yourself, and they brought before you even the vessels of his house; and you yourself and your grandees, your concubines and your secondary wives have been drinking wine from them, and you have praised mere gods of silver and of gold, copper, iron, wood and stone, that are beholding nothing or hearing nothing or knowing nothing; but the God in whose hand your breath is and to whom all your ways belong you have not glorified.
Consequently from before him there was being sent the back of a hand, and this very writing was inscribed.
And this is the writing that was inscribed:
In that very night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was killed."
Nobody of us wants to have the same destiny!
No Witchcraft, Magic, Divination and Deities and even no wearing and using of Amulets such like the Pentagram and other Symbols (like the Cross) will protect and save you at all - no escape - only if you imitate Daniel the Prophet of Jehovah God. Interesting - right?
Who is this Samael and who is Lilith?
According to the Bible we have only ONE Archangel - and that is the only and true Archangel Michael!
And some believe even, that this so called "Archangel" Samael had intercourse with Lilith the Demoness and Goddess of Paganism!
Does this not make Samael a Demon himself?
Can you imagine and believe that Adam had a Demon-self willed-Wife before Jehovah God gave him Eve?
Good mixed up Story of Mythology - and you want to believe this, what is not backed up in the Bible – Gods Holy Word - even not mentioned there?
This Story of Mythology is to be rejected by our logical mind – I would say.
She is mentioned in various pagan religions as a Goddess or Demoness.
Perhaps she is also Artemis, Ashtoreth, Diana, Kali, Venus, Gaia, Isis, Inanna, Ischtar, only in another costume so to speak - who does it exactly know?
Many in the Wicca-Cult of Wiccans and Witches are honoring and some are worshiping her - see here what
The Wiccan Rede says:
“Darksome night and shining Moon,
Hell's dark mistress, Heaven's queen,
Harken to the witch's' rune,
Diana, Lilith, Melusine!
Queen of witchdom and of night,
Work my will by magic rite.”
What do you have from it, if you honour a so called Goddess (Demoness even) of ancient Babylon?
The unthinkable assassination attempt happened - the unbelievable crime happened in Hamburg. A former Jehovah's Witness (he excluded himself after a dispute, the police are investigating this incident) carried out an attack on Jehovah's Witnesses in the Kingdom Hall in Hamburg on March 9th, 2023 at around 9 p.m., with many dead and injured. The news about this shocked me and made me very sad. I wish all those affected a lot of help and strength from Jehovah and Jesus to cope with it.
The Bible tells us that there are Demons (evil Spirits or Pagan Deities) - who wage war even against Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Gods people (Eph. 6:10-20; Rev. 12:7-17).
The Bible tells us that there are Demons (evil Spirits or Pagan Deities) - who wage war even against Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Gods people (Eph. 6:10-20; Rev. 12:7-17).
And if that were not bad enough, sometimes people open themselves up to demonic oppression, without realizing it by joining Pagan Cults and Rituals.
They can come under peer pressure and/or are then oppressed by their Witches, Wiccans and High Priests and/or High Priestesses to do things and to believe things, what they normally wouldn’t do and support.
So, even if you are a Pagan you need to understand that you can be Demon oppressed and possessed without knowing or realizing that.
Demonic oppression is the attack by demonic forces that can result in illness, depression, financial difficulty, abnormal fear, becoming superstitious - so it is vital to be aware of things that can open up a person to spiritual oppression and control and to know who really is behind Pagan-Cults and the Ceremonies of secret Rituals.
Upshot – the bottom line:
Oppression and Possession can and will happen through involvement in occult activity!
Occult activity includes such things as Ouija board, Tarot, Astrology, Séances, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Necromancy (contacting the dead), Divination, Voodoo, even demonic music like Black and Death Heavy Metal, Talisman and ugly Symbols (cross up side down) until demonic Tattoos.
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Notre Dame picture |
To dabble in these things is an indirectly dabble in demonic activity of resulting in spiritual and physical oppression very often – leading to mental disorder.
Alcohol and Drug use is very often accompanied with that - Drugs alter the state of the mind and can invite demonic activity, because it promotes the loss of control of the mind as well as denying God’s intention for us to be sober minded.
Occult meditation techniques - emptying the mind, centering prayer, repeating a single word or phrase for long periods are all practices that can induce an altered state of consciousness and can promote the loss of personal control of your mind and thinking ability inviting Demons or Spirits to enter you - to posses you.
Curses from other people and fear about it - sometimes people involved in occult activity will curse you or your family and you scare that so much, that you consult a spirit Medium and so you will be trapped.
This all (what I mentioned already) can focus demonic activity on you and they attack and control you – that's not half bad, it is a worse case.
Don’t be lured by the Bull-Shit of the Devil and Demons!
They want our Kids – they want you and me – they want our Hearts even:
Come and have a try with Jesus Christ and his heavenly Father – Jehovah God - and the Bible - all of them will protect and save you.
These "Sons" of God are no Humans, because in Genesis 6 we read, that the sons of the true God (Jehovah JHWH Elohim) began to notice the daughters of men and then they went taking all whom they chose.
They were fathering Nephilim (Giants, Mighty ones ore the Fellers – those who cause others to fall down) even.
The Bible does not teach that Angels like these fallen Angels (Demons) have the right to procreate at all any one, or to marry, or are given into marriage (Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25) like humans - like men.
Nephilim (which find their counterfeits and stories in Paganism about the half Gods mentioned there) are somehow a hybrid mix of Demons/Angels (who materialist themselves into men) and with women.
The Text in Genesis 6:9 has to be read in the context, it is speaking primarily about the descendants/offspring of the line of Seth who followed (or many) the ways of GOD and hold on to the true Worship of the only true GOD (Jehovah God [John 17:3] - like Noah and his Family).
It could be that the many women, who were misled by these “Sons of God” were primarily of the line of Cain who went after their own ways apart from the true GOD into idolatry and false worship and were used for the wrong purpose of these fallen Angels (Demons).
In Verse 1 - the humans - men and women - grow in number (normal things and it was Gods will even - see Gen. 1:28) – and so the next verses show, that something wrong, bad and even strange had happened with women.
The “Sons” of the true God (Jehovah God) were fallen Angels - who did something wrong and evil in Gods eyes - because in Verse 3 Jehovah says:
That he does not like it and that the lawlessness was increasing because of their bad influence.
In Job 1:6 and 2:1 - we see the same expression of the Sons of the true God (faithful Angels of Jehovah God) and Satan entered into their meeting and so on.
So you can see that Sons of God can be referred to Angels.
And before the great Flood started - these Sons of God are nobody else than the fallen Angels from God and later they are called Demons in Satan's realm and system.
They are nobody else than the Demons in Satan's realm and system – the counterfeits of Pagan Deities – worshiped through idolatry and through Human sacrifices even – and they have a taste for women.
Because Jehovah Elohim intervened there (Elohim means or is the majestic plural in Hebrew, this does not mean he is more than one God) he cannot be defeated and he wins always the battle and he gains always the victory.
In other words Pagan Deities are not able to rescue you and they are no real protection for you. For these reasons don't trust them and do not take refuge in them, they cannot not help and protect you.
Jehovah God is the only pure and true God of the Universe and stronger than any other God and Goddess
Let us look into the account – what the Bible says about Belshazzar (Daniel 5):
"As regards Belshazzar the king, he made a big feast for a thousand of his grandees, and in front of the thousand he was drinking wine.
Belshazzar,under the influence of the wine, said to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken away from the temple (do never ever challenge Jehovah God it is fatal and you will bring your own annihilation upon you without a chance to escape – see further here what happened to him) that was in Jerusalem, that from them the king and his grandees, his concubines and his secondary wives might drink.
At that time they brought in the vessels of gold that they had taken away from the temple of the house of God that was in Jerusalem, and from them the king and his grandees, his concubines and his secondary wives drank.
They drank wine, and they praised the gods (Babylonian Deities) of gold and of silver, copper, iron, wood and stone.
(Can you see your own rituals in it? They are very similar are they not?)
At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lamp stand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that was writing.
At that time, as regards the king, his very complexion was changed in him, and his own thoughts began to frighten him, and his hip joints were loosening and his very knees were knocking each other.”
"Let your gifts prove to be to you yourself, and your presents do you give too others. However, I shall read the writing itself to the king, and the interpretation I shall make known to him.
As for you, O king, the Most High God himself (Jehovah God) gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom and the greatness and the dignity and the majesty.
And because of the greatness that He gave him, all peoples, national groups and languages proved to be quaking and showing fear before him.
Whom he happened to want to, he was killing; and whom he happened to want to, he was striking; and whom he happened to want to, he was exalting; and whom he happened to want to, he was humiliating.
But when his heart became haughty and his own spirit became hard, so as to act presumptuously, he was brought down from the throne of his kingdom, and his own dignity was taken away from him.
And from the sons of mankind he was driven away, and his very heart was made like that of a beast, and with the wild asses his dwelling was.
Vegetation they would give him to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until he knew that the Most High God is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that the one whom he wants to, he sets up over it."
"And as for you, his son Belshazzar, you have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.
But against the Lord of the heavens (Jehovah God) you exalted yourself, and they brought before you even the vessels of his house; and you yourself and your grandees, your concubines and your secondary wives have been drinking wine from them, and you have praised mere gods of silver and of gold, copper, iron, wood and stone, that are beholding nothing or hearing nothing or knowing nothing; but the God in whose hand your breath is and to whom all your ways belong you have not glorified.
Consequently from before him there was being sent the back of a hand, and this very writing was inscribed.
And this is the writing that was inscribed:
In that very night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was killed."
Nobody of us wants to have the same destiny!
No Witchcraft, Magic, Divination and Deities and even no wearing and using of Amulets such like the Pentagram and other Symbols (like the Cross) will protect and save you at all - no escape - only if you imitate Daniel the Prophet of Jehovah God. Interesting - right?
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Picture is from Wiki-Link |
It is believed that Lilith was a female Mesopotamian Storm Demon associated with the Wind and it was taught to be a bearer of disease, illness and death even.
Lilith became to the Jewish Folklore and according to Paganism (Wicca) Adams first wife, who was created at the same time and from the same earth as Adam. She left Adam after she refused to become subservient to Adam and then has not returned to the Garden of Eden after she mated with the “Archangel” Samael. Who is this Samael and who is Lilith?
According to the Bible we have only ONE Archangel - and that is the only and true Archangel Michael!
And some believe even, that this so called "Archangel" Samael had intercourse with Lilith the Demoness and Goddess of Paganism!
Does this not make Samael a Demon himself?
Can you imagine and believe that Adam had a Demon-self willed-Wife before Jehovah God gave him Eve?
Good mixed up Story of Mythology - and you want to believe this, what is not backed up in the Bible – Gods Holy Word - even not mentioned there?
This Story of Mythology is to be rejected by our logical mind – I would say.
She is mentioned in various pagan religions as a Goddess or Demoness.
Perhaps she is also Artemis, Ashtoreth, Diana, Kali, Venus, Gaia, Isis, Inanna, Ischtar, only in another costume so to speak - who does it exactly know?
Many in the Wicca-Cult of Wiccans and Witches are honoring and some are worshiping her - see here what
The Wiccan Rede says:
“Darksome night and shining Moon,
Hell's dark mistress, Heaven's queen,
Harken to the witch's' rune,
Diana, Lilith, Melusine!
Queen of witchdom and of night,
Work my will by magic rite.”
What do you have from it, if you honour a so called Goddess (Demoness even) of ancient Babylon?
Babylon perished, you wish that too?
Could it be that you are lured and blinded by the Demons already?
I had an idea, if I saw the statue of the so called Lilith - could it be it is a statue or just picture of the Cherubs before the entrance to the Garden of Eden?
Do you really know how Cherubs look like?
It looks like so - because her face is like a man's face and it has similarities to the lost paradise – the Tree of Life protected by Angels – the two Cherubs with wings and the flaming sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
A picture in the old Paradise Book.
The people until the great flood saw the Cherubs standing before the entrance of the Garden of Eden.
From hear say, paintings and descriptions they mixed up their stories together and later they made a carved relief - and they named it Lilith.
Humans have a great fantasy yesterday and even today - see Harry Potter, Lore and Mythologies and so on.
A good mixed up Story of mythology, I would say - and you want believe this?
Lilith is a Demoness – a female Demon Goddess associated with ancient Babylon with many synonyms and names.
My German Lexicon says this here about Lilith:
”In Hebrew the one who likes the night (Darkness = very often related to mystic and spiritism of Satan worship, the God of Darkness and of the Night) and it says she is an old Babylonian Storm-Ghost - and a female Demon and according to the Midrash the first wife of Adam (the question from me, which Adam is meant here?).”
And here rests the main point to reject Lilith as a Goddess to pay her attention and to worship her even.
Magic - or magical activity - is always connected with the dark side of Demons (the source of it) and forbidden by the true God - Jehovah God - see Deut. 18:9-13.
The Demons control our wicked and bad system of things and are responsible of all the cruel perverse crimes; Wars and occult actions in our whole world.
I had an idea, if I saw the statue of the so called Lilith - could it be it is a statue or just picture of the Cherubs before the entrance to the Garden of Eden?
Do you really know how Cherubs look like?
It looks like so - because her face is like a man's face and it has similarities to the lost paradise – the Tree of Life protected by Angels – the two Cherubs with wings and the flaming sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
A picture in the old Paradise Book.
Watch it closely – can you see the similarities of Lilith with this situation after Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden – the earthly Paradise?
Because Lilith is connected with Adam’s first wife and the Garden of Eden even.The people until the great flood saw the Cherubs standing before the entrance of the Garden of Eden.
From hear say, paintings and descriptions they mixed up their stories together and later they made a carved relief - and they named it Lilith.
Humans have a great fantasy yesterday and even today - see Harry Potter, Lore and Mythologies and so on.
A good mixed up Story of mythology, I would say - and you want believe this?
Lilith is a Demoness – a female Demon Goddess associated with ancient Babylon with many synonyms and names.
My German Lexicon says this here about Lilith:
”In Hebrew the one who likes the night (Darkness = very often related to mystic and spiritism of Satan worship, the God of Darkness and of the Night) and it says she is an old Babylonian Storm-Ghost - and a female Demon and according to the Midrash the first wife of Adam (the question from me, which Adam is meant here?).”
And here rests the main point to reject Lilith as a Goddess to pay her attention and to worship her even.
Magic - or magical activity - is always connected with the dark side of Demons (the source of it) and forbidden by the true God - Jehovah God - see Deut. 18:9-13.
See the warnings in the Bible here:
Deut. 32:17 says partly - I quote:
"They went sacrificing to Demons and not to God. Gods whom they had not known."
Here you can see - Demons are referred to Gods and they (the Demons) are equalized as Gods.
Pagan Gods whom the Israelites before did not know - before entering Canaan.
Moloch, Dagon, Ashtoreth (today maybe Gaia), Milkom, Bel (today maybe Belenus), Marduk, Astarte, Diana, Zeus, Jupiter, Hermes, Merkur, Horus, Re, Venus, Ischtar (Lilith) and so on and so on.
And see and look up and examine please Psalm 106 again (for instance Verse 37)- they the Israelites sacrificed their sons and daughters [today they are sacrificed to the Gods of war] to Demons or in Hebrew evil Spirits lashshèdhim (that was in the time, when they left the true and pure God - Jehovah God), and then what Paul said an expert in Paganism in 1. Cor. 10:20.
I recently watched in the German TV a record about two tribes deep in the Bush of Africa.
They have also initiation rites and ceremonies connected with Witchcraft and all the stuff what I have described already.
One tribe wanted to hunt an animal and before they went out for hunting an animal for food - what they really need for their survival to have a meal - they had first to calm down their Deities by certain rituals, music and dance and suddenly an Antelope came along and escaped because they had not finished their stuff - stupid – bad – poor – or what?
Out from this example you can see, that all this kind of superstitious belief and faith is hindering them to develop and to act free and independent.
And then - it was shown in the documentary there, that these two tribes are in war to one another and before they are battling and fighting against the other tribe, they were first consulting their Deities and later they went killing persons from the other tribe and they had already automatic weapons - and 40 were killed.
So, you can see their Deities do not say to them you have to love your neighbour as yourself and make peace and live together in harmony and so on - no they didn't do that and they have not prevented them from hating and killing.
So, what do you think now to what side do they belong - to Gods or to the Devil’s side?
"They went sacrificing to Demons and not to God. Gods whom they had not known."
Here you can see - Demons are referred to Gods and they (the Demons) are equalized as Gods.
Pagan Gods whom the Israelites before did not know - before entering Canaan.
Moloch, Dagon, Ashtoreth (today maybe Gaia), Milkom, Bel (today maybe Belenus), Marduk, Astarte, Diana, Zeus, Jupiter, Hermes, Merkur, Horus, Re, Venus, Ischtar (Lilith) and so on and so on.
And see and look up and examine please Psalm 106 again (for instance Verse 37)- they the Israelites sacrificed their sons and daughters [today they are sacrificed to the Gods of war] to Demons or in Hebrew evil Spirits lashshèdhim (that was in the time, when they left the true and pure God - Jehovah God), and then what Paul said an expert in Paganism in 1. Cor. 10:20.
Watch this Picture now - so far the Israelites have deviated from Jehovah God and the true and pure worship and turned to Demon-Pagan-Worship and sacrificed their Children to these Pagan-Gods and Goddesses:
Pagan Deities are connected with Demons and they are in reality the Counterfeits of Pagan Gods and Goddesses in Satan’s realm and system and from them turn away to Jehovah and Jesus (Prov. 18:10; Micah 4:5).
I recently watched in the German TV a record about two tribes deep in the Bush of Africa.
They have also initiation rites and ceremonies connected with Witchcraft and all the stuff what I have described already.
One tribe wanted to hunt an animal and before they went out for hunting an animal for food - what they really need for their survival to have a meal - they had first to calm down their Deities by certain rituals, music and dance and suddenly an Antelope came along and escaped because they had not finished their stuff - stupid – bad – poor – or what?
Out from this example you can see, that all this kind of superstitious belief and faith is hindering them to develop and to act free and independent.
And then - it was shown in the documentary there, that these two tribes are in war to one another and before they are battling and fighting against the other tribe, they were first consulting their Deities and later they went killing persons from the other tribe and they had already automatic weapons - and 40 were killed.
So, you can see their Deities do not say to them you have to love your neighbour as yourself and make peace and live together in harmony and so on - no they didn't do that and they have not prevented them from hating and killing.
So, what do you think now to what side do they belong - to Gods or to the Devil’s side?
The Devil`s and Demon`s time is running out.
Here is one more experience about an initiation ritual of a female witch in South Africa - a beautiful black woman with very good figure.
She learned all the stuff of witchcraft and magic of becoming a witch in almost a year. And eventually the initiation ceremony took place.
She was naked, an animal was slaughtered and the warm blood was poured out over her head and all the Voodoo stuff from the High-Priest took place with her.
And now she can be called Witch, Healer and Fortune-Teller.
She earns now a lot of money with and by it.
When patients are coming to her and she consults first her Deities – as I watched that in TV - then she was shaken, rocked and quaking by them or (him or her God or Goddess) and after a while she came to her senses and behaved normal again.
And then she was throwing stones or pieces of bones to find out the messages for her patients and so on.
It shows you, what forms of spiritism and occultism you have to avoid - otherwise you can become a victim of Demons even - and then no protection from God and his Christ.
And by the way.
Jesus and his disciples never healed in this kind of way sick persons – read my Blog before.
They were never shaken, rocked and quaked by Spirits entering them in order to perform supernatural things like curing and healing diseases.
They laid their hands upon the sick person or said to them go and do this or that and they were healed.
That's it.
So was it and so it is from the true, pure and holy God - Jehovah God and his Son and by their true Servant.
She learned all the stuff of witchcraft and magic of becoming a witch in almost a year. And eventually the initiation ceremony took place.
She was naked, an animal was slaughtered and the warm blood was poured out over her head and all the Voodoo stuff from the High-Priest took place with her.
And now she can be called Witch, Healer and Fortune-Teller.
She earns now a lot of money with and by it.
When patients are coming to her and she consults first her Deities – as I watched that in TV - then she was shaken, rocked and quaking by them or (him or her God or Goddess) and after a while she came to her senses and behaved normal again.
And then she was throwing stones or pieces of bones to find out the messages for her patients and so on.
And by the way.
Jesus and his disciples never healed in this kind of way sick persons – read my Blog before.
They were never shaken, rocked and quaked by Spirits entering them in order to perform supernatural things like curing and healing diseases.
They laid their hands upon the sick person or said to them go and do this or that and they were healed.
That's it.
So was it and so it is from the true, pure and holy God - Jehovah God and his Son and by their true Servant.
and Yeshua Hamashiach
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